Downloads : Apache ServiceMix 3.4.1
Older version of Apache ServiceMix
This download page refers to an older version of Apache ServiceMix. After December 2012, we will only be maintaining and releasing Apache ServiceMix 4.
You can download the latest release
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Dependency versions
This release packages the following dependencies:
You can use it together with
Release notes
SM-2115 - ensure cxf servlet transport and cxf bc can share same bus out of box when deploy smx-cxf-bc in web container
SM-2141 - Leak in servicemix-eip when handling late responses
SM-2142 - Memory leak when deploying ServiceMix as WAR in Tomcat
SM-2150 - Building of ServiceMix :: Samples :: Loan Broker :: fails
SM-2153 - PropertiesLoginModule always leave file handler open
SM-2158 - "too many open files" exception causes undeployment of all components
SM-2131 - Start script improvements: config file, better handling of file limits, permgen
SM-2156 - Upgrade to XBean 3.11.1
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For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the changelog