JBI Support deprecated in Apache ServiceMix 4
JBI 1.0 support is available in Apache ServiceMix 4 to allow existing users to migrate more easily to this latest version - if you're a new user, you should consider JBI deprecated and not use it for your project. Take a look at our technology selection guidelines for more information.
The ServiceMix Drools component provides JBI integration to the Drools Rules Engine.
This Service Engine can be used to deploy a rules set that will implement a router or an actual service.
A router will mostly act as a transparent proxy between the consumer and the target service provider mad will mostly be implemented by the jbi.route(uri) method below. This method creates a new exchange identical to the one received by the component and will send it to the specified destination. You can also send back a Fault if needed. A router can also be implemented by using directly the JBI Apis (available with the jbi helper) by using the provided client.
Namespace and xbean.xml
The namespace URI for the servicemix-bean JBI component is http://servicemix.apache.org/drools/1.0. This is an example of an xbean.xml file with a namespace definition with prefix bean.
<beans xmlns:drools="http://servicemix.apache.org/drools/1.0">
<!-- add drools:endpoint definitions here -->
Endpoint types
The servicemix-drools component defines one endpoint type:
drools:endpoint :: no description yet
Endpoint properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
assertedObjects | (java.lang.Object)\* | List of additional objects to be inserted into the drools working memory for evaluating rules. |
autoReply | boolean | Will this endpoint automatically reply to any exchanges not handled by the Drools rulebase? |
component | org.apache.servicemix.common.DefaultComponent | |
defaultTargetService | javax.xml.namespace.QName | The default service that the exchange will be sent to if none of the rules have handled it. |
defaultTargetURI | java.lang.String | The default endpoint URI that the exchange will be sent to if none of the rules have handled it. |
endpoint | java.lang.String | <p> Get the endpoint implementation. </p> |
globals | java.util.Map | The global variables that are available while evaluating the rule base. |
interfaceName | javax.xml.namespace.QName | <p> Get the qualified name of the endpoint interface. </p> |
namespaceContext | javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext | The namespace context to use when evaluating the rules. |
ruleBase | org.drools.RuleBase | Set the rule base to be used for handling the exchanges |
ruleBaseResource | org.springframework.core.io.Resource | Specifies the resource location to load the rule base from (.drl file) |
ruleBaseURL | java.net.URL | Specifies a URL to load the rule base from (.drl file) |
service | javax.xml.namespace.QName | <p> Get the service qualified name of the endpoint. </p> |
su | org.apache.servicemix.common.ServiceUnit |