Release Notes: ServiceMix NMR 1.6.0


  • SMX4NMR-289 - Duplicate config cm:entities.

  • SMX4NMR-290 - nmr osgi bundle export duplicated OSGi service

  • SMX4NMR-291 - NMR FlowRegistryImpl should use endpoint name but not a UUID to retrieve related AuthorizationEntry

  • SMX4NMR-293 - should also specify start-level=50 for the features in nmr features.xml

  • SMX4NMR-294 - NPE from OsgiServiceRegistryTracker when service is unavailable

  • SMX4NMR-296 - Add logger guard checks for nmr/ChannelImpl to optimize for better performance

  • SMX4NMR-301 - Update dependencies to match features project

  • SMX4NMR-302 - Integration tests are taking too long to complete

  • SMX4NMR-303 - ensure nmr testing/support can pull in correct spring version

  • SMX4NMR-304 - add NPE guard for AbstractComponentContext.getMBeanServer

  • SMX4NMR-306 - Container freezes while installing jbi feature


  • SMX4NMR-292 - Upgrade to XBean 3.11.1

  • SMX4NMR-298 - nmr features.xml should depend other features with version range



  • SMX4NMR-300 - add java7 package export for system bundle in testing/support