Downloads : Apache ServiceMix 5.0.0
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OSGi components list
Components included in this release:
This release packages the following dependencies:
Release notes
SM-2175 - Replace camel-activemq with activemq-camel
SM-2179 - can't install camel-cxf feature
SM-2182 - can't install cxf-wsn feature
SM-2187 - Increase default PermGen size to 256MB
SM-2192 - features:install cxf-jaxrs error
SM-2193 - Configfiles of jbi and nmr still included in assembly
SM-2197 - Test failure building integration tests against a local maven repo
SM-2202 - examples-activemq-camel-blueprint need to have camel-jms has feature dependency
SM-2203 - Intermittent itest failures
SM-2204 - jaxrs-example: service cannot be reached
SM-2206 - An exception is thrown in the console
SM-2210 - CXF WS-RM itest fails with NPE
SM-2216 - add cxf-swagger feature/example
SM-2219 - Compilation failure due to non-existing SNAPSHOT of servicemix bundles
SM-2220 - Integration Tests - Feature named 'examples-cxf-jaxrs-blueprint' is not installed
SM-2227 - Cxf jaxrs example don't compile at 1559008 or 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
SM-2231 - Logging error on startup
SM-2232 - Hang in org.apache.servicemix.itests.CxfExamplesTest
SM-2233 - Single assembly for Windows and other OS's
SM-2234 - Activiti example itest fails with java.rmi.NoSuchObjectException
SM-2237 - Problems with ServiceMix 5 after upgrade to Spring 3.2.x RELEASE
SM-2239 - Error running integration tests on ASF CI machines
SM-2243 - remove jbi related stuff from SMX5
SM-2248 - log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.karaf.features.core).
SM-2252 - Intermittent test failure in JMSAppenderTest
SM-2258 - Upgrade to Drools 5.6.0.Final
SM-2261 - antrun-plugin enable-obr runs multiple times
SM-2265 - Remove unnecessary external repositories
SM-2266 - Fix broken source assembly and add correct LICENSE/NOTICE files
SM-2268 - Error on startup: invalid run level for wrap bundle
SM-2171 - Add support for Akka
SM-2173 - Upgrade to Karaf 2.3.1
SM-2183 - Provide JMS ConnectionFactory in the OSGi Service Registry
SM-2186 - Add a new example: drools-camel
SM-2194 - Drools Camel Blueprint Example
SM-2195 - rewrite features itests with pax-exam-karaf
SM-2196 - need also endorse activation-api spec jar
SM-2198 - Upgrade to Camel 2.11.0
SM-2199 - Add a new example: cxf-wsn
SM-2205 - add identifier for the org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories
SM-2211 - Add support for container-wide Camel interceptors
SM-2212 - Auditor to store exchanges into MongoDB
SM-2236 - Some additional upgrades to latest releases
SM-2247 - add @id for the org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories in etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg
SM-2257 - Delay console startup until bundles have been propertly started
New Feature
SM-2170 - Release Apache ServiceMix 5.0.0
SM-2174 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.8.0
SM-2176 - upgrade to Karaf 2.3.1
SM-2178 - Upgrade to Spring 3.2.x RELEASE
SM-2180 - upgrade aries transaction version
SM-2181 - Fix activemq reference in jms-appender
SM-2184 - upgrade to cxf 2.7.4
SM-2225 - Upgrade to cxf 2.7.6
SM-2230 - Update to latest releases
SM-2238 - Remove overwritten activemq features from ServiceMix features.xml
SM-2240 - Some endorsed libraries are duplicated
SM-2241 - Upgrade to Karaf 2.3.4
SM-2242 - Remove minimal and full assembly
SM-2246 - Merge apache-servicemix and shared into a single assembly module
SM-2249 - Upgrade to Camel 2.12.3
SM-2253 - Upgrade to Akka 2.2.3
SM-2254 - Remove akka-osgi-aries from build
SM-2262 - Split features file in multiple parts
SM-2263 - Switch to org.apache:apache version 14
SM-2264 - Decouple examples from our own parent POMs
SVN Tag Checkout
svn co
For a more detailed view of new features and bug fixes, see the changelog