December 21st, 2011

Project Status
While we continue to have an active community with good participation from users on mailing lists, IRC, and issue reporting in Jira,
we also have lost some of our momentum now that major parts of the functionality are being maintained in related projects
like Apache Karaf and Apache Camel.

With the community objectives mentioned below, we want to ensure a new and better focus for the Apache ServiceMix project.

* Jonathan Anstey has been voted in as a new committer.

Community Objectives
Our current objective is to release ServiceMix 4.4.0: we improved the project packaging to better meet common use cases and
we also optimized our project structure to allow for more frequent releases of ServiceMix 4.x in the future.
We keep on working on the documentation and website to ensure both new and existing users are finding their way around the project more easily.

These changes will help us regain the momentum we need to work towards our second community objective -
our next major release, Apache ServiceMix 5.x, planned for next year, will be where we start adding the necessary additional features
to ensure that the project keeps adding value on top of what Apache Karaf and Apache Camel are offering.

Branding Status
- Project Naming And Descriptions : Compliant
- Website Navigation Links : Compliant
- Trademark Attributions : Non-compliant, will be compliant in new web site.
- Logos and Graphics : Current logo is not compliant, new logo will be compliant
- Project Metadata : Compliant

- ServiceMix Archetypes 2011.01
- ServiceMix Specs 1.9.0
- A set of 5 OSGi bundles in September
- A set of 11 OSGi bundles in October
- A set of 18 OSGi bundles in December