Release Notes: ServiceMix Components 2011.02


  • SMXCOMP-855 - MessageExchange Leak in CXF SE Proxy Per-Request

  • SMXCOMP-858 - CXFSE Proxy Doesn't Implement "propagateSubject" Setting

  • SMXCOMP-866 - HTTP Consumer timeout handling is incorrect

  • SMXCOMP-876 - servicemix-soap bundle is missing some necessary <Import-Package> and <Export-Package>

  • SMXCOMP-878 - ensure cxf bc consumer endpoint can publish wsdl

  • SMXCOMP-886 - <http:soap-consumer> config may fail to import xsd or wsdl files

  • SMXCOMP-887 - <http:soap-consumer> config may fail to import xsd or wsdl files in sub-directories

  • SMXCOMP-891 - Avoid adding commons-logging 1.0.3 to servicemix-shared

  • SMXCOMP-896 - CXF-BC will be blocked after handling some request when working in the async model

  • SMXCOMP-897 - ensure cxf servlet transport and cxf bc can share same bus out of box when deploy smx-cxf-bc in web container

  • SMXCOMP-903 - Sending unsubscribe can leave servicemix-wsn2005 threads hanging on sendSync()

  • SMXCOMP-905 - ensure DONE status is set when cxf bc consumer encounter soap fault and use synchronous="true"

  • SMXCOMP-910 - NPE Generated whenever a soap message is received that contains a namespace prefix but no namespace uri.

  • SMXCOMP-912 - servicemix-cxf-se OSGi header is incorrect

  • SMXCOMP-914 - servicemix-wsn2005 can't restart correctly when the dependency activemq-broker.xml bundle restart

  • SMXCOMP-916 - org.apache.servicemix.http.jetty.JCLLogger can't get initialized in OSGi container

  • SMXCOMP-919 - JMS soap endpoint tests failing


  • SMXCOMP-857 - ensure cxfse:proxy is thread safe to access requestcontext

  • SMXCOMP-862 - Upgrade to ActiveMQ 5.5.0

  • SMXCOMP-863 - Make allowsCoreThreadTimeOut name consistent across mbeans and properties

  • SMXCOMP-867 - servicemix-camel performance optimizations

  • SMXCOMP-868 - Align stax-api version

  • SMXCOMP-870 - upgrade to cxf 2.4.0

  • SMXCOMP-879 - cxf se endpoint should support configure JAXBDataBinding with extraClass

  • SMXCOMP-880 - Refactor servicemix-http component to avoid use of wrapper for locking

  • SMXCOMP-881 - Allow configuring HTTP consumer endpoint for handling late responses from the bus

  • SMXCOMP-883 - cxf bc consumer should be able to determine soap version from incoming message

  • SMXCOMP-885 - Dynamic Soap address in wsdl

  • SMXCOMP-888 - remove xmlschema from sharedlib

  • SMXCOMP-889 - use local copy of XSD for servicemix-soap2 to avoid test hang

  • SMXCOMP-893 - remove META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-soap.xml from servicemix-cxf-se

  • SMXCOMP-902 - should be able to configure jaas domain name used in JbiJAASInterceptor

  • SMXCOMP-906 - servicemix-cxf-bc should use version range for javax.servlet package import

  • SMXCOMP-911 - Add shared-library bundles to JBI component bundle classloader

  • SMXCOMP-915 - Upgrade to Camel 2.8.3
