Monitoring and Administration using JMX
Apache Karaf provides a large set of MBeans that allow you to fully monitore and administrate Karaf using any JMX client
(like jconsole for instance).
You can find more or less the same actions that you can do using the shell commands on the JMX layer.
Apache Karaf provides the following MBeans:
org.apache.karaf:type=admin to administrate the child instances
org.apache.karaf:type=bundles to manipulate the OSGi bundles
org.apache.karaf:type=config to manipulate the Karaf configuration files (in the etc folder) and the ConfigAdmin layer
org.apache.karaf:type=dev to get information and manipulate the OSGi framework
org.apache.karaf:type=diagnostic to create information file (dump) about Karaf activity
org.apache.karaf:type=features to manipulate the Karaf features
org.apache.karaf:type=log to manipulate to logging layer
org.apache.karaf:type=packages to manipulate to PackageAdmin layer and get information about exported and imported packages
org.apache.karaf:type=services to get information about the OSGi services
org.apache.karaf:type=system to shutdown the Karaf container itself
org.apache.karaf:type=web to get information about the Web bundles (installed with the war feature)
org.apache.karaf:type=obr to manipulate the OBR layer (installed with the obr feature)