Website Project
The website projects holds the code for our main website.
Browsing the Source Tree
Web Browsing of SVN
To browse the raw SVN repo, use the following URL:
To browse the SVN repo using ViewVC, use the following URL:
A hearty thanks to Atlassian for providing FishEye hosting for ServiceMix. Below is the URL to browse the Subversion repo via FishEye:
Checking out the Source Tree
Anonymous Checkout from the ServiceMix SVN Repo
This project's SVN repository can be checked out anonymously using the following command:
svn co
Using the git mirror
There was a git mirror set up for the documentation project at git://
Have a look at for more information on working with the git mirrors.
git clone git://
Committer Checkout from the ServiceMix SVN Repo
ServiceMix committers can check out using the following command:
svn co
Only project developers can commit to the SVN tree via this method. SSH must be installed on your client machine. Enter your site password when prompted.
Building a new website
A few words about the project structure
The project is a basic Maven WAR project. Some important directories and files in the project:
We don't intend to release this project, the main goal is just to upload the result of the build to
Build and browse locally
In the root of the website project, run a mvn clean install to create a new copy of the website. You can find the generated website in the target/sitegen folder.
You can also run mvn jetty:run to have a live, browsable copy of the website available on your machine at http://localhost:8080 - this is very conventient for editing the website pages.
Upload a new copy
If you're a committer, you can upload a new copy of the website to the Subversion repository at by running a mvn scm-publish:publish-scm.