June 17th, 2009
We have release ServiceMix 4.0.0, which includes a bunch of subprojects released:
* a set of 21 osgi bundles for third party dependencies
* ServiceMix Kernel 1.1.0
* ServiceMix NMR 1.0.0
* JBI components 2009.01 release
* 4 maven plugins (depends-maven-plugin 1.1, features-maven-plugin 1.1,
jbi-maven-plugin 4.1, xfire-maven-plugin 4.1)
* ServiceMix Utils 1.1.0
* ServiceMix 4.0.0
Following our JBI component roadmap, a new component has been released:
* ServiceMix Exec
Apache ServiceMix Kernel has been donated as Karaf to the Apache Felix TLP
and a few committers have been granted commit rights to Felix to continue the
work on Karaf.
We are mentoring a Google Summer of Code project: Marcin Wilkos is building
a web-based management console for ServiceMix 4 on top of the Felix Web Console.
At this time, most of his work is targeted at the new Apache Felix Karaf project.
From an infrastructure perspective, we started using Hudson for doing CI builds.
The Apache infra team has also set up the Nexus instance at http://repository.apache.org
so we can now use if for staging our releases under vote.
There has been no new committers / pmc members this quarter.